Vintage Luxury

Antique printing printer cabinet drawer pigeon hole jewellery storage teak honeycomb restored over 5000 foundry typeface fonts


Product ID:

Product Description Title:
Antique printing printer cabinet drawer pigeon hole jewellery storage teak honeycomb restored over 5000 foundry typeface fonts

Product Description Full:

A unique custom made manufactured by WD Welsh printer cabinet with 24 thin sliced drawers perfect as is! Store hundreds if not thousands of items in each drawer. Currently these are filled with over 5000 original Wimble fonts foundry from early 1900s! Printer cabinets like these (original) are very rare to come by, we have spent over a month fully restoring it and includes a full sand, several layers of teak stain and varnish, followed by several layers of oil wax. This is a heavy solid timber (possibly oak), thin sliced drawers with brass labels. The top has a new thin slice of veneer as the original was in pretty bad condition and unfortunately unable to be restored. The two sides had two slices of veneer which have been removed and you can see the lovely lines from each drawer that shows different colors and grain in the wood (we love this natural open look). Whats even better is we kept all the foundry letters of different fonts and sizes (refer to URL on what these were/are used for) over 5000! There is an option to purchase the foundry letters (all of them no splits) separate to the printing cabinet by itself, however this price includes both the foundry letter and cabinet for the avid collector. Several font types/interfaces include 42 pt open face, 12 pt Rondo, 36 pt ultra bodoni, 24pt wimbledon Bold IT, 18 PT Copp Gothic (caps & small caps) and many more (look at the labels on the pictures or video via IG)

Trying to find accurate information on Australian history can be hard...this is no exception we have asked around with little luck except the following: The foundry letters are imprinted as Wimble Sydney (at least from 1930-1950s) meaning the cabinet and metal moulds are 70 years old as a minimum however our URL suggest may even be early 1900s. The printing cabinet itself has the initials WD Welsh Manufactured in Sunshine (Melbourne) however Sunshine only has a 100 year history (1904 approx), so we assume the cabinet would not be older than 80 years of age (and possible the foundry letters are older and were added to the printing cabinet at a later date.

Overall Condition:


Cosmetic Condition:
Golden with hints of brown in honeycomb teak stain followed by several coats of oil wax. This has been fully restored (any marks and/or chips being filled with the closest color to the stain or wax color), then sanded several times of different grits, in between several layers of oil based wax for longer durable wear. Inside drawers has marks and scratches consistent with age and has plastic holders/sections for each drawer (where the foundry letters are kept). Some foundry letters have some white residue (we cleaned them all as best we could but over 5000 it gets a bit repetitive) whilst others are in close to mint condition. This has not been given a top 9 rating as its over 100 years old and it is hard to retain a mint to perfect condition item of this age

Functional Condition:

Excellent, functionally no wobbles or warping in the wood, does not rock, no structural damage evident, sturdy as she can get.

Product Line:

MCM Furniture

Product Category:

Chest of drawers

Product Manufacturer / Brand:

WD Welsh - Cabinet

Wimble - Foundry fonts

Product Model Number:


Country of Manufacturer:

Australia (Sunshine for cabinet, Sydney for Wimble fonts)

Vintage Year:

Early 1900s

Product Rarity:

5/5 GEM (Bespoke custom made)

Scale from 1 to 5 (numbers can occur in between)

1 = MANY available on the market very common, many listings and competition

3 = COMMON in between Many and Gems, they're common in the market

5 = GEMS we see these maybe once every couple of years these are almost not available

Product Specification URL:


100cm high

87cm wide

61cm deep


Cabint only = Approx 60kgs

Cabinet + Foundry fonts = 200kgs+


#typefaces #foundry #molding #casting #custom #typeface #typography #design #font #type #lettering #handlettering #calligraphy #typedesign #typematters #poster #fonts #letters #goodtype #typedaily #typographydesign #logo #typespire #typographyinspired #graphicart #customtype #printersdrawer

#printerscabinet #printercabinet #printers #antique #MCM #chestofdrawers #midcenturymodern #midcentury #australianmade #vintagefurnitureforsale #midcenturyfurnitureforsale #restored #mcmdesign #midcenturyfurniture #mcm #interiordecor #australiandesign #australianmidcentury
#typefaces #foundry #typeface #typography #printersdrawer #printersdrawers #pigeonhole

#Melbourne #PortMelbourne #FrenchBulldog

IG: @vintageluxury_vl
FB: @VLGeorgeParker

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